Saturday, December 22, 2007

Paranoia Self Destroyer

Paranoia will drive you to do stupid and sometimes crazy things. Like my irrational fear of all insects. I think I was the only person in town last night who had not one, but two places to sleep. One, my modest and probably bedbug-free guest house (actually I think they were nymphs,unable to drink blood yet) run by possibly the nicest family in Krabi, and two, the overpriced bungalow at the spa down the road. In my moment of panic, i booked a room for last night and tonight at the first nice hotel w/ pool and landscaping that I could find a vacancy. Everything was booked for my first night here, so I had about 5 beers and got up some liquid courage to face the hatchlings. Went back to my guest house and drenched myself in enough deet to kill a tarantula, climbed into my anti-insect treated travel sheet, cranked the a/c, and slept prefectly fine - not even a mosquito bite to be had - until my raging hangover woke me up at 3 AM. I did not sleep there last night, but felt too guilty to check out until today, when I discovered that my bugnet had gone missing from the locked closet it was in, yet my camera and the ugly ring were untouched. Doesnt make much sense to me, but maybe whoever took it knows something that I don't. Maybe when the nymphs grow fangs that bugnet will come in handier than it ever could for me.

I finally met an american on the beach yesterday and was thrilled to have someone to talk to. We talked all afternoon, had lunch, swam in the swankly pool, listened to a swedish couple argue and slam doors, shared a smooch and agreed to meet for a drink an hour later. He stood me up. Not the best feeling in the world. I cant even have a drink tonight because the elections are tomorrow and I guess the government doesnt want drunks or hungover people voting. All the bars are closed.

I leave for Koh Lanta tomorrow and hope it's a little better.


Jennifur106 said...

did you go to the rainforest you crazy bitch?

Zuska said...

damn toof, i think i would've seen a couple Buddhas and left that god forsaken place. swindling...bed bugs... you didn't even have to leave queens. my advice, don't talk to any thai folk, they hate you! ha

Unknown said...

glad to hear the head light will get some use and possibly provide enough distraction to get you away from the swarms of hungry bed bugs.

btw... i think i got you 2 years extended coverage on that camera, so unless my brain is uber-fried you should be able to get it fixed or replaced for nada. we might have to use dust-off to get out any visible sand before we take it to 6th Ave, but they should still honor that service plan.

be safe and peace.

ayanaberry said...

man - the christmas eve post is the best thing i have ever read. you shoud write a book, complete with debujos. Oh how i hope you are sketching some of this.

Madz said...

Lanta means 'dung' in Finnish. Mwaha.